Under the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD), what is the definition of “insurance transaction”? Here’s my point of view.
(IMPORTANT: This article is for informational purposes only and is based upon my point of view. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law, we make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content in this article. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct legal advice from your attorney. Please review our Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy before proceeding.)
The WLAD is a potent statute enacted in 1949, and it covers a broad array of categories, including the following:
Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights.
(1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) The right to obtain and hold employment without discrimination;
(b) The right to the full enjoyment of any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, or privileges of any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement;
(c) The right to engage in real estate transactions without discrimination, including discrimination against families with children;
(d) The right to engage in credit transactions without discrimination;
(e) The right to engage in insurance transactions or transactions with health maintenance organizations without discrimination: PROVIDED, That a practice which is not unlawful under RCW 48.30.300, 48.44.220, or 48.46.370 does not constitute an unfair practice for the purposes of this subparagraph;
(f) The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory boycotts or blacklists … ; and
(g) The right of a mother to breastfeed her child in any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement.
RCW 49.60.030(1) (emphasis, paragraph formatting, and hyperlinks added). The WLAD regulates, inter alia, insurance transactions.
The WLAD defines insurance transaction as follows:
RCW 48.01.060
“Insurance transaction” defined.
“Insurance transaction” includes any:
(1) Solicitation.
(2) Negotiations preliminary to execution.
(3) Execution of an insurance contract.
(4) Transaction of matters subsequent to execution of the contract and arising out of it.
(5) Insuring.
RCW 48.01.060 (paragraph formatting and hyperlink added).
NOTE: The WLAD also establishes, inter alia, the right to engage in transactions with health maintenance organizations without discrimination; accordingly, the WLAD defines “health maintenance organization” as follows:
(13) “Health maintenance organization” means any organization receiving a certificate of registration by the commissioner under this chapter which provides comprehensive health care services to enrolled participants of such organization on a group practice per capita prepayment basis or on a prepaid individual practice plan, except for an enrolled participant’s responsibility for copayments and/or deductibles, either directly or through contractual or other arrangements with other institutions, entities, or persons, and which qualifies as a health maintenance organization pursuant to RCW 48.46.030 and 48.46.040.
RCW 48.46.020(13) (hyperlink added).
Persons engaging in insurance transactions, as defined by the WLAD, are prohibited from engaging in specific unfair practices. The relevant WLAD provision follows:
RCW 49.60.178
Unfair practices with respect to insurance transactions.
(1) It is an unfair practice for any person whether acting for himself, herself, or another in connection with an insurance transaction or transaction with a health maintenance organization to cancel or fail or refuse to issue or renew insurance or a health maintenance agreement to any person because of sex, marital status, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with disabilities: PROVIDED, That a practice which is not unlawful under RCW 48.30.300, 48.44.220, 48.46.370, or 48.43.0128 does not constitute an unfair practice for the purposes of this section.
For the purposes of this section, “insurance transaction” is defined in RCW 48.01.060, health maintenance agreement is defined in RCW 48.46.020, and “health maintenance organization” is defined in RCW 48.46.020.
(2) The fact that such unfair practice may also be a violation of chapter 48.30, 48.43, 48.44, or 48.46 RCW does not constitute a defense to an action brought under this section.
(3) The insurance commissioner, under RCW 48.30.300 and 48.43.0128, and the human rights commission, under chapter 49.60 RCW, shall have concurrent jurisdiction under this section and shall enter into a working agreement as to procedure to be followed in complaints under this section.
RCW 49.60.178 (paragraph formatting and hyperlinks added).
Victims of discrimination in violation of the WLAD may seek generous remedies. “Any person deeming himself or herself injured by any act in violation of … [the Washington Law Against Discrimination] shall have a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin further violations, or to recover the actual damages sustained by the person, or both, together with the cost of suit including reasonable attorneys’ fees or any other appropriate remedy authorized by this chapter or the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, or the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 3601 et seq.).” RCW 49.60.030(2).
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