What are the elements of Negligent Hiring in WA State?

What are the elements of Negligent Hiring in WA State?
FAQ: What are the elements of Negligent Hiring in WA State?

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FAQ: What are the elements of Negligent Hiring in WA State?


To successfully litigate an employment-based negligence claim, the plaintiff must establish the basic elements of negligence: duty; breach of duty; causation; and damages. In 2018, the Washington State Supreme Court* established the test (“Test”) for negligent hiring of an employee by adopting the following formulation used by the Courts of Appeals:

[T]o hold an employer liable for negligently hiring … an employee who is incompetent or unfit, a plaintiff must show that the employer had knowledge of the employee’s unfitness or failed to exercise reasonable care to discover unfitness before hiring or retaining the employee.

Anderson v. Soap Lake Sch. Dist., 423 P.3d 197, 206 (Wash. 2018) (citing Scott v. Blanchet High Sch., 50 Wash. App. 37, 43, 747 P.2d 1124 (1987) ; see also Carlsen v. Wackenhut Corp., 73 Wash. App. 247, 252, 868 P.2d 882 (1994) (“To prove negligent hiring in Washington, the plaintiff must demonstrate that … the employer knew or, in the exercise of ordinary care, should have known, of its employee’s unfitness at the time of hiring.”)) (internal quotation marks omitted).


We invite you to read more of our articles related to this topic:

» Negligent Hiring (WA State)

» Negligent Retention (WA State)

» Negligent Supervision (WA State)


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