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What are the elements of Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations in WA State?
“An employee claiming his or her employer failed to accommodate a disability must prove that[:]
(1) the employee suffered from a disability,
(2) the employee was qualified to do the job at issue,
(3) the employee gave his or her employer notice of the disability, and
(4) the employer failed to reasonably accommodate that disability.
Mackey v. Home Depot USA, Inc.*, 12 Wn.App.2d 557, 586 (Div. 2 2020), review denied, 468 P.3d 616 (2020) (citing LaRose v. King County, 8 Wn.App.2d 90, 125-26, 437 P.3d 701 (2019)) (paragraph formatting, emphasis, and hyperlinks added).
The above elements formulate a prima facie case of Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations in Washington State.
Read More About This Topic
We invite you to read our article* about the prima facie case* and how it fits within the larger McDonnel Douglas Burden-Shifting Framework*.
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