Under the Washington State Administrative Code (hereinafter, “WAC”), what are the Washington State Human Rights Commission (hereinafter, “WSHRC”) regulations concerning its organization and operations? Here’s my point of view.
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“Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State.” Official Washington State Legislature Website, https://app.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx*, (last visited 3/13/25). The WSHRC regulations concerning its organization and operations are categorized as follows: (1) Membership; (2) Meetings; (3) Quorum; (4) Executive Director; (5) Authority and Duty; (6) Offices; (7) Where to obtain information; and (8) Where to make submissions or requests. See WAC 162-04-020*.
(1) Membership
“The Washington state human rights commission consists of five members, one of whom is designated as chairperson, appointed by the governor for staggered five-year terms.” WAC 162-04-020(1)*.
(2) Meetings
“The commission holds regular meetings commencing at 9:30 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month, except for November and December, at various places throughout the state. No regular meeting is held in August. The place and dates of the meetings can be learned by writing or calling the commission clerk at the Olympia office at (360) 753-6770.” WAC 162-04-020(2)*.
(3) Quorum
“Three members constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present is action of the commission when there is a quorum at a meeting.” WAC 162-04-020(3)*.
(4) Executive director
“The executive director is the commission’s chief executive. [This individual] … is responsible for carrying out the commission’s programs and directing the commission’s staff.” WAC 162-04-020(4)*.
(5) Authority and duty
“It is the commission’s duty to administer the law against discrimination, chapter 49.60* RCW, which has as its purpose the elimination and prevention of discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, age or handicap [sic]. The commission has the authority and duty to, among other things:
(a) Study and report on all things having an impact on human rights;
(b) Make recommendations to the governor, legislature, and agencies of state and local government;
(c) Create advisory agencies and conciliation councils;
(d) In the areas of employment, public accommodations, real property transactions, credit transactions and insurance transactions, initiate, receive and process complaints of unfair practices, hold hearings, issue orders, and seek enforcement of the orders in court.
WAC 162-04-020(5)* (emphasis and paragraph formatting added).
(6) Offices
“The commission’s principal office is 402 Evergreen Plaza Building, Seventh and Capitol Way, Olympia, Washington 98504-3341. Branch offices are maintained at the following locations:
1516 Second Avenue
Suite 400
Seattle, Washington 98101
W. 905 Riverside Ave.
Suite 416
Spokane, Washington 99201-1099
Suite 110 Hess Building
901 Tacoma Avenue South
Tacoma, Washington 98402-2101
Washington Mutual Bldg.
Suite 441
32 No. Third St.
Yakima, Washington 98901-2730
WAC 162-04-020(6)* (emphasis and paragraph formatting added).
(7) Where to obtain information
“Information on the application of the law against discrimination and related material is available at all offices of the commission. Information that branch offices are not able to supply may be obtained from the clerk at the Olympia office.” WAC 162-04-020(7)*.
(8) Where to make submissions or requests
“In circumstances where no special provision is made by rule in this Title 162* WAC, submissions or requests to the commission may be directed to the executive director at either the Olympia or Seattle office.” WAC 162-04-020(8)*.
We invite you to read more of our articles related to this topic:
» WA State Human Rights Commission Complaints
» WA State Human Rights Commission: Functions, Powers, and Duties
» WSHRC: From Complaint to Conclusion
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